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Nonhuman Animal Behavioral Phenomena are Central to the Emerging Concept of Intangible Natural Heritage (Advance Article)
Marcel Robischon

Source: Page Count 18
Intangible natural heritage is a concept that has been addressed in several publications and that offers a new and expanded view onto world heritage conservation. However, the difference from intangible cultural heritage has not been clearly defined. One distinction in the categories of world heritage that are established in international conventions appears where “the intangible” is not created by humans but by a nonhuman animal. Living organisms sustain human life materially and provide inspiration to humans, both in their material form and by displaying behaviors, or via observable, yet not tangible, dynamic phenomena and processes. This includes migration patterns, aggregations, vocalizations or the formation of symbiotic and mutualistic inter-species relationships. Given the non-material character of these elements, their transmission by nonhuman living beings, and their importance to human culture, it is proposed that such phenomena are considered as intangible natural heritage sensu stricto in the discourse of world heritage.

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Clinical Veterinarians’ Perceptions about Sexes and Breeds of Dogs Involved in Aggressiveness in Montevideo, Uruguay (Advance Article)
Paul Ruiz Santos, María Belino, Ruben Rijo, José Piaggio and Juan Pablo Damián

Source: Page Count 17
Aggression is the most common dog behavioral problem, with important implications for public health. The aim of this study was to determine the perception of veterinarian clinicians of Montevideo regarding canine aggression, the sex effect, and the main breeds involved. One hundred veterinary clinics of Montevideo city were randomly selected to complete a survey about aggressiveness in dogs. Most veterinarians opined that males are more involved than females in canine aggression and that the Pit bull, the German Shepherd, and Uruguayan Cimarron breeds were the most involved in both types of aggression considered (between canines and towards people), while the Cocker Spaniel breed was involved in aggression towards humans and the Rottweiler breed in aggression between dogs. This work highlights that both veterinarians and other experts within the community identify the Uruguayan Cimarron as being aggressive, which indicates that the behavior of this breed may be of particular concern.

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“Savage Beasts,” “Great Companions”: The First Dogs to Winter on the Antarctic Continent (Advance Article)
Diana Patterson, Janette G. Simmonds and Tristan L. Snell

Source: Page Count 19
By investigating the nature of the social interactions between “sledge dogs” and explorers in the first land-based exploration in Antarctica, this research contributes to an animal-human perspective in Antarctic historical studies. Consideration of the interspecies interactions provide further insight into attitudes to nonhuman animal welfare, including towards wildlife, at the turn of the twentieth century. The companionship of favored animals appeared to have alleviated some of the stresses of isolation and confinement in the inhospitable Antarctic environment.

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Society & Animals

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