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Brill launches two new journals in the Social Sciences

Brill launches two new journals in the subject area of the Social Sciences: Comparative Political Theory and International Journal of Parliamentary Studies. The first issues are planned for 2021 and will become available online and in print.

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Society & Animals

EPA Announces Guidance to Waive Toxicity Tests on Animal Skin, New Webpages on Metrics and NAMs

On October 7, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requested public comment on draft guidance that would allow researchers to forego testing chemicals on animal skin in certain circumstances. Based on a retrospective analysis conducted by EPA, which concluded that such studies provide little to no added value in regulatory decision-making, the proposed guidance would allow waivers for studies on single active ingredients used in pesticides.

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USDA Animal Welfare Information Center

Jus Mundi Wins The 2020 ALPSP Award for Innovation in Publishing

Brill is proud to announce that Jus Mundi, the search engine for International Law and Arbitration, has won the ALPSP Innovation in Publishing Award 2020. The award winners were announced during the annual ALPSP Conference and Awards. Jus Mundi was presented with the prestigious Innovation in Publishing Award for publishing a wide range of global legal data that is otherwise dispersed across multiple restrictive sources or simply not available.

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Society & Animals