Animal/Food/Farm by Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Totals
Confined Animal Feeding 1[1] 1[2] 2
Factory Farms and Ag-Gag 1 1[3] 1[4] 2 5
Farm Crime - Victims 1[5] 5[6] 3 9
Farm Crime - Offenders 4[7] 4
Land Theft - Biopiracy 1[8] 2 3
Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 1 9 6 2

"analyze what we know about CAFOs nationally and in Michigan using four theoretical frameworks that could advance research on the social and environmental issues associated with these farms: criminology, green criminology, environmental justice and conservation criminology"
Darkness on the Edge of Town: Prisons, CAFOs, and Rural Landscapes of State Power
"Not only are Ag-Gag laws presumptively unconstitutional, but with their enactment – animal welfare remains unchanged, the American consumer remains uninformed, and America’s factory farms are free to abuse animals behind a legal veil of secrecy."
Second mention of Ag-Gag, this time in reference to whistleblowers (last one, in 2014, categorized under factory farms).
protecting race horses
Thematic Panel: Criminology of Food and Agriculture PART I (Farm Victimisation)
Thematic Panel: Criminology of Food and Agricultural Part II (Farmers as Offenders)
This paper considers the concept of biopiracy in two ways: first, in terms of the take-over or theft of land and the imposition of enforced changes to farming methods and practices; and, second, in terms of the theft of traditional knowledge and products.