Animal/Food/Farm by Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Totals
Confined Animal Feeding 1[1] 1[2] 2
Factory Farms and Ag-Gag 1 1[3] 1[4] 3
Farm Crime - Victims 1[5] 5[6] 3 9
Farm Crime - Offenders 4[7] 4
Land Theft - Biopiracy 1[8] 2 3
Social Construction of Food 1[9] 1[10] 6[11] 8
Totals 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 15 6

"analyze what we know about CAFOs nationally and in Michigan using four theoretical frameworks that could advance research on the social and environmental issues associated with these farms: criminology, green criminology, environmental justice and conservation criminology"
Darkness on the Edge of Town: Prisons, CAFOs, and Rural Landscapes of State Power
"Not only are Ag-Gag laws presumptively unconstitutional, but with their enactment – animal welfare remains unchanged, the American consumer remains uninformed, and America’s factory farms are free to abuse animals behind a legal veil of secrecy."
Second mention of Ag-Gag, this time in reference to whistleblowers (last one, in 2014, categorized under factory farms).
protecting race horses
Thematic Panel: Criminology of Food and Agriculture PART I (Farm Victimisation)
Thematic Panel: Criminology of Food and Agricultural Part II (Farmers as Offenders)
This paper considers the concept of biopiracy in two ways: first, in terms of the take-over or theft of land and the imposition of enforced changes to farming methods and practices; and, second, in terms of the theft of traditional knowledge and products.
"Despite massive documented harms to nonhuman animals, small farmers, consumers, and ecological environments, agribusinesses present themselves as good corporate citizens. They do so in part by telling origin stories that recount humble beginnings. By drawing on neoliberal discourses and metaphors of organic growth, these stories naturalize and thus legitimize harmful actions."
Repeat from 2014?
Thematic Panel: Visual Approaches in Green Criminology

Plus: Food Bullying at the Intersection of Environmental Crime and Health Discourses of Food Advice

nd: Constructing the “Dangerous Dog”: Nonhumans, Criminality, and Hierarchies of Violence